1. How do I get a list of deliquent tax deed properties being offered for sale?
Marinette County holds a deliquent tax deed auction yearly. A list of properties available for auction will be posted on our website under the Forestery Department at marinettecountywi.gov/departments/forestry-br/tax-deed-land/forms_and_documents/. Dates may vary so please visit the website for updates.
2. Why do I see signs posted by properties to call the Forestry Department?
Deliquent Tax Deed signs are posted on properties for the land owner to contact the County. No individual can purchase the property without first going to auction. Please see the list posted on the Marinette County website for available properties and auction details.
3. Can I buy a deliquent tax deed property without going to auction?
All deliquent tax deed properties must go to auction. If a property is unsold, a list with the unsold properties is posted on the Marinette County website. Bids will be accepted immediately and continue to be accepted until a bid is received that meets the minimum bid price and other sale requirements or the County removes the parcel from the list.