Aging and Disability Network/Aging Network
- Administration on Aging - Provides information on services to the elderly, especially to enable them to remain independent. Information on meals on wheels, transportation, at-home services, publications and resources focusing on Administration on Aging and aging issues.
- Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Consumer Page - State website that explains ADRCs and where to find the Wisconsin office near you.
- AssistGuide Information Services (AGIS) - AGIS Network connects government agencies, employers, service providers, and families in the eldercare and disability communities.
- Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. (GWAAR) - A nonprofit agency that supports the Wisconsin Aging Network, through training, technical assistance, and advocacy. Provides oversight for Administration of Older American Act services in Wisconsin.
- Marinette County Elderly Services - A non-profit agency which provides services to elderly age 60 and over in Marinette County.
- Marinette Senior Center - If you are 50 years of age or better you qualify to become a member of the Marinette Senior Center. Every week the center offers a variety of activities. Many exercise opportunities, games and crafts. Prepared meals are available Monday thru Friday on site.
Become a member or volunteer!
- Wisconsin Aging and Disability Resource Center Directory - Directory of Wisconsin Aging and Disability Resource Centers.
Alcohol & Other Drug Addictions (AODA)
- Adapt - ADAPT is the publicly funded and operated outpatient clinic (mental health, substance abuse and crisis counseling services) of the Marinette County Human Services Department. The staff is diversified and qualified in their fields of expertise. ADAPT has a full time psychiatrist and additional full time Master’s degree therapists. There are also substance abuse certified counselors on staff. ADAPT is the only agency in the area to have this comprehensive outpatient psychiatric service available full time.
- Addiction Resource - Understand Addiction. Learn how to recognize addiction. Drug and alcohol addiction self-assessment tools. Find the best treatment and rehab facilities and learn how your insurance can cover the expenses. Addiction Resource offers free informational resources and a free toll-free hotline, where you can learn about the details for a successful treatment. For Addiction Support 24/7 call SAMHSA: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
- Aging Adults Guide to Fentanyl - http://ecdol.org/a-seniors-guide-to-fentanyl/
- American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). - Connect. Advocate. Educate. Treat. Patient guide and resources for treatment of addiction.
- Bridges to Recovery - Bridges to Recovery is a Recovery Community Center open for walk-ins and a safe place for individuals seeking, affected by, or in recovery to spend time during open hours. Bridges serves those seeking, affected by, or in recovery from substance abuse by supporting recovery efforts in the communities of Marinette County, WI, and Menominee County, MI. Bridges benefits individuals in Recovery by creating a safe environment where change can occur, reinforcing a substance-free lifestyle, and directly connecting to other peers in Recovery, mutual support groups, and recovery support services.
- Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator - This searchable directory of drug and alcohol treatment programs shows the location of facilities around the country that treat alcoholism, alcohol abuse and drug abuse problems.
Alzheimer's, Dementia & Geriatric Medicine
- Alzheimer's Association - Learn about signs and symptoms, stages, diagnosis, research progress, treatment and care of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
24/7 Helpline: 1-800-272-3900, provides reliable information and support to all those who need assistance.
- Alzheimer's Speaks - Driving Change in Our Dementia Care Culture. Lori La Bey is a passionate advocate who searches for ways to shift our dementia care culture from crisis to comfort. Alzheimer's Speaks believes it is time to become dementia friendly. Businesses, communities and individuals need to become dementia friendly because there is no cure and understanding of the disease is limited.
- Dementia Friendly Community Coalition of Marinette County Wisconsin - The Dementia Friendly Community Coalition (DFCC) of Marinette County is a group of healthcare professionals, community members and advocates for senior health and wellness, who support Wisconsin's statewide efforts to improve the lives of those living in our communities who suffer from Alzheimer's and other dementias. As a coalition we offer training in ways to interact and care for those living with dementia. The DFCC offers services that provide information and resources for individuals with dementia and their families free of charge.
- National Institute on Aging (NIA) - National Institute on Aging (NIA) - one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. NIA is the primary Federal agency supporting and conducting Alzheimer's disease research. This website has a variety of research-based information and resources related to health and aging and Alzheimer's.
- Online Resource for Families Care for Someone with Memory Loss or Dementia - You are not alone. You don't have to figure everything out on your own. This guide can help. Go online to find the guide and other resources and information that can assist in providing care for family members facing the journey with dementia.
- Project Lifesaver - is the premier search and rescue program operated internationally by public safety agencies, and is strategically designed for "at risk" individuals who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children with the propensity to wander due to a cognitive condition.
- Safe at Home - An educational video produced by Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) through a $25,000 grant from the Pat Summitt Foundation - offers caregivers of those with dementia simple, inexpensive options for making basic home modifications to help address problematic behavior when providing care at home.
Benefits; i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Prescriptions, Veterans, etc.
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - The newly named federal agency, formerly the Health Care Financing Administration, that administers the Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health Insurance programs.
- Elderly Benefit Specialist (EBS) - An Elder Benefit Specialist is a person trained to help older persons (60 and over) who are having a problem with their private or government benefits. They help older persons figure out what benefits they are entitled to and tell them what they must do to receive them. Benefit Specialists attend continuing training by attorneys who are knowledgeable in elder law issues.
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Oversees home ownership, low-income housing assistance, fair housing laws, homelessness, aid for distressed neighborhoods, and housing development.
- Medicaid in Wisconsin - Links to medicaid publications, information on eligibility, applications, programs and services and more.
- Medicare Part D Extra Help - A program designed to help people get extra help paying for Medicare Part D plans. Administered by Social Security Administration.
- Medicare Website - The official Medicare web site. Information on all federal programs associated with Medicare, including supplemental insurance, Medicare Part D and much more.
- Social Security Administration - Local Number 1-888-329-5722. Federal Social Security web site. Calculate your benefit amount, get questions answered, forms and more.
- Tax Forms & Filing - Federal - Information and forms to file individual income tax returns - including how to file electronically.
- Veterans Affairs - Wisconsin - Learn about veterans benefits in Wisconsin. Locate the veterans office in your area.
- Wisconsin ACCESS - Your connection to programs for health, nutrition and child care. Find out if you are eligible for benefits.
- Wisconsin Senior Care - Prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents age 65 and older who meet eligibility criteria.
- Wisconsin SHIP - The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP, is a national program that offers one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and to their families and caretakers.
- Caregiver Support Programs - Information, educational materials, support and financial assistance to caregivers and families.
- Respite Care Association of Wisconsin - Wisconsin Lifespan Respite Care Project: The State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services/Division of Long-Term Care in partnership with Respite Care Association of Wisconsin and Easter Seals Wisconsin have created several programs to expand the availability and accessibility of respite services in Wisconsin. The programs are an online respite provider-training course and an online statewide respite care worker registry matching service. Both of these are available free of charge on the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin website.
- Brain Injury Association of America - The mission of the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is to advance brain injury prevention, research, treatment and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury. This link has Resources as well and News and Announcements.
- Disability Rights Wisconsin - Disability Rights Wisconsin is a statewide resource for individuals, families, service professionals and others concerned with disability issues. DRW helps people across Wisconsin gain access to services and opportunity through its advocacy and legal expertise.
Victims of Crime with Disabilities often find it difficult to navigate the criminal justice system and gain access to support services. The Victim Advocacy Program of Disability Rights Wisconsin provides direct service to individuals with disabilities who experience crime, regardless if it has been reported. The Victim Advocacy Specialists will ensure that each person receives the advocacy, services, and support that is desired to move forward, find justice, and obtain safety and stability in whatever form the victim/survivor needs. Children and Adults with disabilities (and their families) are eligible for the Victim Advocacy Program. Advocacy services are free and confidential to all victims of crime with disabilities and their families.
- Options for Independent Living - Northeast WI - Serving people with disabilities in 17 counties of Northeast Wisconsin to live independent lives.
- Tourette Association of America - Learn more about Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders, and the co-occurring conditions such as OCD, ADHD, learning disabilities and more. This site can connect you with local support, tools for educators, and tools for medical professionals. Browse their library for resources.
- Cerebral Palsy - Cerebral Palsy Guidance is an educational support website dedicated to providing parents with detailed information on the complex condition of cerebral palsy.
- Cerebral Palsy, Inc. - Cerebral Palsy, Inc. is a non-profit organization which provides essential and often life-changing services to individuals living in NE Wisconsin. Cerebral Palsy, Inc.'s mission is to provide quality services to individuals who have been affected by temporary or permanent physical, sensory, and/or speech needs or conditions. CP helps people of all ages, with and without disabilities. The Outreach Program, which is one of CP's eight essential programs, has limited funds available to assist people who are in need of disability-related, adaptive equipment, which is medically necessary to enhance the quality of their life. After exploring other resources, such as insurance and/or county assistance, an individual can consider the Outreach Program as an option to help purchase the much needed equipment related to their disability. (Outreach Program does not help fund therapy, glasses, medical supplies, or hearing aids.)
- Wisconsin Parkinson Association - The Wisconsin Parkinson Association (WPA) is a regional nonprofit organization assisting people who are affected by Parkinson Disease. Website contains information regarding Parkinson Disease, Support Groups, Living with Parkinson Disease, News and Events.
- Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) - Accommodation Services of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) offers assistance to individuals with documented disabilities. NWTC offers a wide range of services and accommodations to assist students in reaching their educational goals. The Accommodation Services staff will approve and provide reasonable accommodations, as required by law, and will help guide students through their educational experience at NWTC by providing counseling and support services.
- UW-Extension - Marinette - UW-Extension extends the knowledge and resources of the University of Wisconsin to people where they live and work.
- Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. The DWD is a state agency who's primary responsibilities include providing job services, training and employment assistance to people looking for work, at the same time as it works with employers on finding the necessary workers to fill current job openings.
- Guardianship of Adults Handbook - Handbook produced by WI Dept. of Human Services, Bureau of Long Term Support, provides an overview of guardianship of adults in Wisconsin who meet the standards for a finding of incompetence, alternative ways of providing decision-making support, and ways to tailor guardianships to individual needs. It is aimed primarily at people involved in trying to assist adults who need support in decision-making due to impairments in their ability to receive and process information, including family members, advocates, support service providers, and educators.
Health & Wellness
- Greater Marinette-Menominee YMCA - The Y has something for everyone - swimming, gymnastics, racquetball, sports, group exercise and wellness. The Y believes everyone, regardless of age, income, or ability, deserves access to the support they provide. They will help you make healthy lifestyle changes as a part of everyday living.
- Seasoned Times - Seasoned Times is dedicated to encouraging wise and healthy aging. Designed for baby boomers, seniors and anyone 55 and older. This website is a free, informative, and entertaining resource that celebrates the "seasoned times" of life. It is shared by senior service organizations, public libraries and senior living communities across the nation.
Health Insurance
- COBRA-Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - COBRA provides certain former employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, and dependent children temporary continuation of health coverage at a group rate, when health coverage is lost due to specific events.
- Northeastern Wisconsin Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program - *Serving the Counties of Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Outagamie, Sheboygan, and Winnebago. If your home is in need of repairs, you may qualify for home rehabilitation assistance through the Northeastern Wisconsin Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program. Activities generally may include Private septic system replacement, Private well replacement, Roof repair/replacement, Lead pain and asbestos remediation, Door/window replacement, Plumbing/electrical repairs, Siding repair/replacement, Accessibility improvements for individuals with disabilities and other general improvements. For more information, follow link and click on Brown County Planning Dept. (Housing).
- Wisconsin Housing Search - Search up-to-date listings of rental housing. View maps and photos. Go online or call toll free for help searching. Searching is free and anonymous. An easy-to-use online service supported by a toll-free, bilingual call center.
Long Term Care
- Assisted Living Facilities - Search for Assisted Living by Zip Code. Assisted living is a popular senior living option for those elderly people seeking a place to reside that offers medical monitoring and minor medical care while still offering personal privacy and freedom. This website lists information on over 36,400 state-licensed assisted living facilities.
- Home Health Care Agencies - Search for Home Care by Zip Code. This website has compiled extensive home health care information such as licensing requirements and state contacts. They also offer a directory of 12,122 Medicare-certified home health agencies and 19,360 home care companies in the United States.
- National Clearing House for Long Term Care Information - Website provides information and resources to help you and your family plan for future long-term care (LTC) needs. This website helps you to understand what long-term care is, how and where you can get information and services you need - now or in the future, and how to pay for services.
- Skilled Nursing Facilities - Search for Skilled Nursing Facilities by Zip Code. Skilled Nursing Facilities, more commonly known as nursing homes are a healthcare option for seniors that are in need of constant medical attention. This website is a senior care resource that offers a nationwide directory of nursing homes.
Support Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous & Al Anon Meetings - District 09 of Alcoholics Anonymous & Al Anon Meetings covers a portion of Northeastern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership.
- Wisconsin Parkinson Association Support Group - The Wisconsin Parkinson Association (WPA) is a regional nonprofit organization assisting people who are affected by Parkinson disease. Support group meetings are a way to meet others who share similar experiences, situations, and problems, in addition to learning about the disease. Meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the Harbors, 1110 Tenth Ave., Menominee, MI. The Harbors is handicap-accessible. Local Group Facilitator is Patricia Ihler - (906) 863-9445.
- MTM Wisconsin - MTM is the State of Wisconsin's NEMT (non-emergency transporatation) manager. MTM provides rides to Wisconsin Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus covered health care appointments if you have no other way to get there. MTM's goal is to provide a safe and reliable transportation service.
Youth Transition