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Environmental Health

The main goal of the Environmental Health program is to protect the population from environmental health risks. These programs are primarily based on health protection legislation intended to reduce environmental health risks including potential disease from contaminated food or water and health effects from poor indoor and outdoor air quality.
In addition to regulatory approaches, the programs rely on health promotion and education, advocacy, and partnerships, with both government and non-government organizations as well as community groups.
Additional Information:
Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Environmental Health
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – Environmental Protection
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Landlord/Tenant Concerns - Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)

​​​​​​Many Wisconsin residents live in rental housing.  It is important to both tenants and landlords that rules ensure that these rental transactions are conducted fairly. State law provides a legal framework for the relationship between landlords and tenants.  Many disputes between landlords and tenants can be avoided if both parties understand their legal rights and responsibilities. The Guide for Landlords and Tenants answers commonly asked questions about landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities in simple language.  The guide is intended to help landlords and tenants avoid common problems and resolve them when they do occur.  It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide or a substitute for legal advice. DATCP accepts complaints relating to a variety of consumer issues. Wisconsin residents who have a complaint concerning a business in or out of Wisconsin, or anyone outside the state if the complaint involves a Wisconsin business, may file a complaint by completing a complaint form that can be found at the link below
Additional Information:
Landlord Tenant Complaint
Landlord/Tenant Guide

Lead exposure can affect nearly every system in the body. Because lead exposure often occurs with no obvious symptoms, it frequently goes unrecognized. 

Additional Information:
Wisconsin DHS – Lead-Safe Wisconsin
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Lead
Center for Disease Control and Protection – Lead

Molds grow abundantly in outdoor plant and soil materials. Molds produce spores that are normally found in both indoor and outdoor dust. Mold growth is familiar to most people when it is seen as a fuzzy patch or stain spreading across food or damp surfaces. It is known that many molds produce chemicals that can be toxic if eaten. Little if any of these chemicals are commonly found in indoor air and are not suspected to be a health hazard to the general public.
Mold exposure from breathing indoor or outdoor air can be irritating and can aggravate allergies and asthma. The health effects of mold can be a concern where exposures are very high, such as in sawmills, grain elevators, and agricultural settings. Where there are people with severely weakened immune systems, such as in hospital transplant units, mold infection can be a serious concern and exposures should be aggressively controlled. A physician should be seen whenever health effects are experienced.
It is not practical to expect a building to be completely free of mold, nor is it necessary. However, mold growth on indoor surfaces is a sign of moisture presence, the cause of which should be identified and corrected. Indoor mold growth should be removed regardless of mold type, using appropriate cleaning methods for small spots and careful attention to dust contr
ol, seeking professional assistance for larger amounts.
Additional Information:
Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Mold
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Mold
Center for Disease Control and Protection - Mold

Well Water
Make sure you’re serving your family safe drinking water. While most private water wells in Wisconsin provide safe drinking water, some may become contaminated with bacteria and other pollutants that are not filtered out when the water soaks into the ground. DNR recommends you test your private well at least once a year for coliform bacteria contamination and any time you notice a change in how the water looks, tastes, or smells. Even if your water looks, tastes, and smells good, it can contain harmful bacteria and viruses.

 Additional Information:
Wisconsin DHS – Water Quality
Wisconsin DNR – Private Wells

Flooding: Private Wells
When your well has been flooded, bacteria and other harmful organisms can get into your water.  It will take time for the water to be safe to use again. 
You will need a safe source of water to use for several weeks while you fix your well. 
Safe water includes bottled water, tap water that 
you boiled for one minute, or water from a well that was not flooded. 

 Additional Information:
Flooding: Private Wells
What to Do After the Flood
Recommendations for Private Wells Inundated by Flooding

Food and Recreational Businesses
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Bureau of Food and Recreational Businesses is responsible for managing programs that enforce applicable state administrative codes for the inspection and licensure of rest
aurants, retail food establishments, hotels, bed and breakfast establishments, public swimming pools including water park attractions, and campgrounds in Wisconsin.
Additional Information:
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection –  Bureau of Food and Recreational Businesses


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