Routine childhood vaccinations have made such an impact on public health that immunizations are considered one of the greatest medical achievements of the 20th century. Vaccines prevent disease in people who receive them and protect those who come in contact with unvaccinated individuals. Before vaccines, many children died from diseases such as polio. Through the introduction of routine vaccinations, many of these diseases are becoming rare in the U.S. The viruses and bacteria that cause them still exist, though. Vaccinations are one of the best ways to put an end to the serious effects of certain diseases.
The Marinette County Public Health provides vaccines including flu vaccine under the Vaccine for Children program from the state. This program provides free vaccines to children who are uninsured, covered by Badger Care or whose insurance specifically does not cover vaccines. Children with insurance coverage for vaccines must obtain their vaccine through their medical provider. The Health Department also carries some adult vaccines including annual flu vaccine.
Wisconsin Immunization Law requires all children attending daycare, public and private schools to show proof of vaccinations for certain diseases. Daycare and school officials are required to notify parents of these requirements and any missing vaccine doses.
To schedule an appointment for a child/adult immunization or for more information call us at 715-732-7670.
Additional Information:
Vaccine Finder
Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Immunizations
Immunization Action Coalition
Center for Disease Control and Protection – Immunizations
• Immunization Clinics throughout the county for vaccine-preventable childhood illnesses
• Vaccinations for underinsured adults
• Annual flu vaccine clinics throughout the county.
• Click here for a rapid reference on Cold versus Flu versus Pertussis
• Traveling soon? Click here to see what immunizations you may need.
• For more vaccine information, click here.
Click on Picture to download the "Vaccine Preventable Disease" E-Book
Appointments are available at our Marinette Site or Niagara Site upon request:
Marinette = 715-732-7670/toll free 888-732-7549
Niagara = 715-251-4769
Click on the Picture for the Link
Download an easy-to-read PDF Immunization and
Milestone Tracker for Birth to 6 years ~ Click here
or Click here to enter your child's birthdate for their
calculated schedule.
VACCINES AVAILABLE TO ADULTS - Regardless of insurance status
- Medicare can be billed based on coverage
- Adult fee for service vaccines.
Hepatitis A is $75/dose
Hepatitis B is $160/dose
Shingrix = $185/dose
TD (Tetanus, diptheria) = $50
Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine) = $50
Influenza = $35
Vaccines may be provided free of charge to adults without coverage. Call with questions regarding eligibility.
Parents must accompany children under 18 and should bring shot records. Due to program changes, individuals with insurance coverage for vaccination must see their primary provider for immunizations. Public Health can serve individuals with medical assistance, no insurance, underinsured, and Native Americans and Alaskan Natives. Medical Assistance will be billed when available for administrative fee only. For questions about vaccination or eligibility status please call the Marinette County Public Health at (715) 732-7670.
The new and improved Adolescent and Adult Quiz is now live! Thank you for your continued efforts in supporting and working to promote adult and adolescent immunizations. It is important to keep in mind that adults and adolescents also need vaccines. Many adults are not aware of this and vaccination rates among adults are especially low. Vaccines may be recommended for adults based on their age, lifestyle, or health condition that could put adults at higher risk for severe complications due to vaccine preventable diseases. You may access the quiz at: click here