Agricultural Programs
Comprehensive Planning
Environmental Education
- Children's Learning Garden
- Environmental Field Days
- Environmental Awareness Poster Contest
- Harmony Arboretum
- Northwoods Journal
- WI Land +Water Middle School Conservation Camp
- Storm Drain Stenciling
- T.O.A.D.
- Contact Us
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GIS - Geographic Information System
Green Bay West Shore Demonstration Farm Network
Hiking Trails
Invasive Species
Lake Associations
Land & Water Conservation
Mar-Oco Landfill
Non-Metallic Mining
Plat Book
Property Listing
Town Ordinances
User Fees
Wildlife Damage
Northwoods Journal

The Northwoods Journal is a publication being distributed in newspaper form during the summer months (June, July and August) and online the rest of the year in digital form ~  that reaches out to visitors, seasonal residents and full-time residents that want to learn more about Marinette County's natural scenic beauty, the many ways to enjoy it now, and how to protect it for future generations to enjoy. If you are interested in a paper copy of the Northwoods Journal please contact our office to be placed on the mailing list.

In the Northwoods Journal, you will find out about outdoor recreation in Marinette County including first-rate fishing spots, camping and hiking areas off the beaten path, and fantastic places to paddle. Tourism brochures do some of that, but the journal will give you more than just a list of activities and a calendar of events.

The Northwoods Journal will also tell you about the area's natural history in articles about native plants and animals, and a little bit of our cultural history through local stories and photos. However, the Northwoods Journal focus will be on environmental issues that occasionally come up, which could very well affect the Northwoods and how you spend your time here.

To View the most recent Northwoods Journal without going through the list please click HERE


To see back copies of the Northwoods Journal - Click here. (The list of Northwoods Journals are numerical. Most recent editions are at bottom of list) »