Invasive species are any organism not native to an area and which harms native wildlife habitat, the economy or even human health. Invasive species are primarily spread by people, often by accident. People travel around the world very quickly and often return with uninvited species. In their new homes, invasive species may have few predators, diseases, competitors, or other natural controls. Existing native species may be crowded out, eaten, or killed by introduced diseases.
Invasive species can drastically change habitats and ecosystems such that they provide little food or shelter to native species. They can reduce species diversity, decreasing the total number of species that live in an area. In some cases, invasive species can chemically or physically alter ecosystems to such a degree the are uninhabitable by native species.
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
Marinette County has more than 400 lakes and flowages and 1,200 miles of streams. These lakes and streams are vital to our tourism economy, which brings in more than $113,000,000 annually. Unfortunately the spread of aquatic invasive species threatens economic, recreational, and environmental harm to these important natural resources. Some of the most troublesome AIS in Marinette County are: Phragmites, Eurasian water milfoil, zebra mussels, and rusty crayfish.
Terrestrial Invasive Species
Marinette County’s public and private forests are also critically important to our tourism economy and forest products industry. Our County forest is the third largest in Wisconsin and provides myriad recreational opportunities as well as income for County government. Invaders such as Gypsy Moth, Garlic Mustard, Glossy Buckthorn, etc. have the potential alter the plant species composition of the forest and damaging our ability to utilize and enjoy them.
Invasive Species Management and Control
Marinette County is working with many levels of government, NGO’s, and private landowners to prevent the introduction of invasive species, slow their spread, and eradicate them where possible. Since 2004, Marinette County has worked on 25 grant funded projects related to AIS. In addition, our Northwoods Journal has featured many articles on terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. Past articles can be viewed under the Northwoods Journal link. Marinette County also offers invasive species curricula through our TOAD program.
Please click here for more information about Aquatic Invasive Species. »
Contact: |
Sheri Denowski - County Conservationist Phone: (715) 732-7783 Click here to email |
Address: |
Physical Address:
Resource Center - 1925 Ella Court
Marinette WI 54143 - Located on second floor
Mailing Address:
1926 Hall Avenue
Marinette WI 54143-1717 Map |
Office Hours: |
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. |