$70.00 per ton or $3.00 per bag for solid waste.
$10.00 each if tire or tire load is less than 50 lbs.
$460 per Ton - Tire loads weighing greater than 50 pounds.
Appliances with freon will be charged an extra $25.00 per unit plus tipping fee. Example: Refrigerators or freezers
Site Location:
5 miles west of Crivitz off County Road A on Shaffer Road.
1. All vehicles must stop at scale.
2. Unauthorized dumping is prohibited.
3. Only non-hazardous solid waste is accepted.
Examples of acceptable waste materials:
Residential waste, rubbish and garbage (furniture, carpeting, shingles, siding, (slate with asbestos), space heaters, glass (if not recyclable,) etc.
Commercial waste.
Industrial waste (waste generated by industrial process accepted on case-by-case basis - sludge, foundry sand, incinerator residue, etc.)
Construction and demolition debris.
Tires (provided they are kept separate from other waste).
Foundry sand, sludge, asbestos, incinerator residue and contaminated soil accepted upon prior approval of the Land Information Director and/or the Mar-Oco Landfill Committee.
Other material by special permission
Oil absorbent materials from a non-routine spill - maximum up to one (1) gallon
All metal appliances with freon (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners) will be charged an extra $25.00 per unit plus tipping fee, keep metal separate from other waste.
Example of unacceptable waste materials:
Toxic and hazardous waste
Liquid waste
Automobile hulks
Septic tank wastes
Gasoline, diesel or other fuel tanks
Yard wastes, grass, leaves, etc.
Automobile batteries
Recyclables banned from landfills - Please visit WDNR Website for a complete list of banned materials.
Electronics - TV's computers, DVD players, VCR's, etc.
FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RECYCLING PLEASE CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK https://www.browncountyrecycling.org/hmr-hours-location
To learn more about banned materials click on the following link:
4. No scavenging is allowed.
5. Waste generated outside the boundaries of Marinette and Oconto County must be approved by the Mar-Oco Landfill Committee prior to acceptance.
6. Drums, barrels and pails are not permitted unless lids are removed and crushed prior to disposal. All exceptions must be approved by the Land Information Administrator.
7. Entering the Landfill property without permission outside of business hours is prohibited and will be considered trespassing.
Mar-Oco Landfill Facts
Total acreage of property: 126 acres
Acreage of Landfill (Waste Fill Limits): 18 acres
Landfill capacity: 1,500,000 cubic yards or approximately 900,000 tons
Estimated remaining capacity: 900,000 cubic yards or 550,000 tons
Estimated remaining site life: 16 years
Average annual tonnage: 18,000 tons per year
Number of groundwater monitoring wells tested semi-annually: 33
Number of private drinking water wells tested annually: 6
Average annual volume of leachate collected, transported and treated at Oconto Utility Commission Wastewater Treatment Plant: 1.5 million gallons
Annual operating cost: $350,000
Annual revenue: $750,000
Average cost per acre of area developed for waste disposal (Construction/closure/gas collection/long term care): $500,000
Marinette County began the landfill site process in 1979 in response to proposed federal regulations, which would phase out local unlined disposal sites or dumps. In 1983, Marinette County received the feasibility report approval and in 1985 received the plan of operation approval for its own landfill. Also in 1985, increment A of phase 1 was constructed with a 5-foot clay liner. On July 5, 1988 the Landfill received its first load of waste. In 1989, Marinette and Oconto Counties began discussing the possibility of joint ownership of the Landfill. In June of 1990, Marinette and Oconto Counties entered into joint ownership of the Marinette County Landfill and the facility was renamed the Mar-Oco Landfill.
Safety of the Environment
The construction and operation of the Mar-Oco Landfill meets all state and federal regulations for a non-hazardous solid waste landfill. The design consists of a composite (clay and polyethylene) liner and cap, leachate (precipitation which comes in contact with decomposing waste) collection system, and an active gas collection system. The use of the clay (low permeability and long-term integrity) and the use of the polyethylene increases the efficiency of the liner and cap. Groundwater beneath the landfill is monitored for contaminants found in leachae on a semi-annual basis to ensure the integrity of the liner.
In an effort to reduce the amount of hazardous waste entering the Landfill, Marinette and Oconto Counties hold periodic hazardous waste collection programs and make an inspection of wastes at the time of disposal.
Mar-Oco Landfill
Marinette & Oconto County
N7785 Shaffer Road
West of Crivitz
(715) 854-7530