With the statewide issuance law now in effect, if the vital record you are trying to obtain fall within the below dates you can visit any Register of Deeds office in the state of Wisconsin.
Requestors must demonstrate direct & tangible interest in the record requested.
Date for statewide issuance:
Birth Records - 01/01/1907 to present
Death Records - 09/01/2013 to present
Marriage Records - 01/01/1907 to present
Divorce Records - 01/01/2016 to present
* Please note, due to the way our office obtains vital records, it may take up to 20 minutes to receive the copy of the vital record requested in person.
These records are not available for statewide issuance:
Copies of death or divorce records prior to the dates stated above. If the death record you are trying to obtain occured before the date listed you will need to request that record from the county where the event occured. For Divorce records prior to 2016 you will need to request from the Wisconsin Vital Records office in Madison
Copies of domestic partnership and termination of domestic partnership records filed in Marinette County.
Phone: 715 732-7553
Marinette County Register of Deeds
Marinette County Resource Center
1925 Ella Court
Marinette WI 54143 Map