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Taxes - Credits & Assistance
Taxes - PERSONAL Property
Taxes - REAL ESTATE Property
Online or Bank payments can only be made for tax parcels that are in the 21 municipalities Marinette County collects for. See Taxes - REAL ESTATE Property

Mission Statement

The Marinette County Treasurer’s office is responsible for the orderly collection, disbursement and recording of all county funds as well as their investment. The County Treasurer is also charged with maintaining records of transactions affecting taxes and the safekeeping of all county funds as prescribed by State Statutes and the direction of the County Board. The office provides courteous service to taxpayers and offers support to local government and the public with efficient and accurate tax information.


The Marinette County Treasurer’s office is responsible for receiving and paying out all monies belonging to the county and maintaining a true and accurate account of those receipts and expenditures.

The office maintains property tax records and is responsible for the collection of property taxes. Currently Marinette County collects first half taxes for 21 of their 25 municipalities, as well as handling all second half collections.

Additionally, the Treasurer’s office executes legal title searches for In Rem applications and prepares all necessary papers for the Court action giving fee simple title to the county; prepares and files all claims for bankruptcy; informs and instructs all municipal treasurers of any changes in procedures or law concerning their office duties as related to the County Treasurer's office; advertises and disburses unclaimed funds according to Wisconsin Statutes; reports to the State Department of Revenue all fines and forfeitures, marriage license fees, dog license fees, probate fess, title transfer fees, sales tax, and all occupational taxes; and issues tax certificates when the current tax year is delinquent, which starts the two-year redemption period.

Contact:  Bev Noffke - Treasurer
Phone: 715-732-7430
Fax: 715-732-7532
Click here to email
Address:  Physical Address:
Entrance A
1925 Ella Court - Resource Center

Mailing Address:
1926 Hall Avenue
Marinette WI 54143
Office Hours:  8:00 am - 4:30pm
We are encouraging mailing payments!
We also have a drop box on the east side of the building.

Finance and Insurance - through 04/16/18 - See Administrative